City of Sainte-Catherine
Green Space Master Plan

Through its consultation process, the City was able to propose initiatives and concepts to make the Master Plan more accessible to its community.
Context and need
The master plan for parks and green spaces makes it possible to identify all of the municipality's parks, green spaces and outdoor sports and recreational facilities and to plan future investments that are necessary to maintain the infrastructure and develop the offer to citizens.
The City of Sainte-Catherine was to update the plan for the next ten years in order to continue the modernization and development of the area. Updating the plan is one of the key projects in the City's Vision 2025.

The online consultation completed a broad consultation process that included:
- A survey of sport, community and school organizations,
- An online survey of the public in February 2022 to identify usage patterns and satisfaction rates in relation to existing facilities;
- Targeted advisory activities with specific groups, including teens and seniors;
- A virtual public consultation session to better understand the public's expectations of their parks and green space system.
The City hired BC2 to assist them in setting up and managing the online consultation. The subject could have been dry, but it was well developed thanks to the expertise of the consultants. The wording was simplified, several images were used and the City was able to propose concrete projects on which the community could express itself. The pre-consultations helped to identify proposals and this final consultation exercise complemented the previous steps well.
Although well developed and simplified as much as possible, the consultation still included an unusually large number of topics and proposals. The proposals were comprehensive and therefore asked for levels of agreement as well as levels of enthusiasm and confidence. Participants were persistent!
Nevertheless, the consultation was a success with:
- 10 topics
- 50 proposals
- 1666 votes
- 58 participants
Click here to see the completed consultation and the results.