Moderation policy

What happens with your contribution
All comments go through our automated moderation system. If your comment contains a problematic word, wording or content, our moderators will receive a notification to review it and remove it if necessary.
All participants on the platform can report an inappropriate proposal or comment. Our moderators will review reports from the community and remove any content deemed inappropriate.
If our moderators deem that your comment should be removed, you will receive an email with the reason for removal. Moderation is done by Cocoriko according to clear criteria and is not subject to argument. You can submit a new comment.
The platform is under moderation at all times. Your comment may appear with a delay if it is sent to a moderator.
Moderation rules
Will be subject to moderation:
- Defamation against individuals or organizations is not tolerated and will be subject to moderation. A comment is considered defamatory when it harms the reputation. Cocoriko is also not the appropriate channel to denounce the incompetence of an individual or his misdeeds against you.
- Intolerant comments that disrespect a person's race, culture, appearance, sex, gender, sexual orientation, faith or age are not tolerated.
- Obscene and vulgar language is not tolerated. Users of the site come from all walks of life. We want them to be able to use the site at home, at work, at school or anywhere else without fear. Changing the spelling of a word does not make it any less offensive.
- The publication of inappropriate, offensive or illegal content or hyperlinks to such content is not permitted. The Platform may not be used for advertising.
- Content that incites self-harm, suicide, violence or crime is not tolerated.
- Contributions from users who ignore or misdirect the topic of discussion may have their comments removed. Repetitive, off-topic or general comments may be removed. Be relevant.
- Comments that are phrased as a question. The platform is available to express your position.
- Moderation also applies to images, emojis and other representations. Moderators follow the moderation rules.
- Comments deemed inappropriate will be removed and you will receive an email with the reason for removal. Moderation is done by Cocoriko according to clear criteria and is not subject to argument. You can submit a new comment.
- In the event that we need to remove your comments repeatedly, your access to the platform may be temporarily removed for a period of time based on the severity and repetition of the comments.
- Once your access is restored, if you persist in writing inappropriate comments, you may be permanently removed from the Platform.
If you have any questions regarding the moderation policy, please contact Cocoriko: