Online consultation : How to make my consultation known ?

An article giving you access to the best tips and tricks to promote your online consultation.

Just because it's online doesn't mean it's magic! Think about how much you, yourself, are solicited on Facebook, LinkedIn, radio and other media. Your consultation needs to carve out a little space between the pretty chat images, the teacher email and the Facebook events.

To wisely identify the best communication tools for your consultation, consider the elements below and make a plan:

  • Your available budget for this step: plan it now
  • Your expert resources: what you can do in-house versus what will be done under contract
  • Your target audience: be where your audience is!
  • Identify the content and try to reuse the same content several times

“Traditionnal” Medias

  • Invite a journalist to write an article on the subject of your consultation; it's free
  • Buy an ad in the local newspaper
  • Advertise on the radio
  • Print posters and put them up in public places visited by your target audience
  • Distribute invitation cards in mailboxes
  • Participate in a television show on the community channel


Electronic Médias 

  • Promote it on your website: an article, a banner, in the drop-down menu, a "Participate in the consultation" button
  • Host a webinar to provide relevant information about your consultation topic
  • Offer a live, online Q&A session to address citizens' concerns
  • Write an article in your email newsletter

 Social Medias

  • Post an image that represents your consultation well, is polished and will catch the eye
  • Post examples of contributions such as a community proposal that stands out for its popularity or originality
  • Share the evolution of participation (25 people have already spoken, will you be next?)

Be Creative...

  • Put up a banner inviting participation in the locations where your consultation will take place, such as a standing "flag" in a park or on the side of a boulevard
  • If you are targeting a less connected or technology-savvy population, offer the option of participating on paper or by phone 
  • Offer prizes to all consultation participants: a pair of tickets to a show, a meal at a local restaurant, artisan products



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