5 tips for a successful consultation on an online platform

Quick and easy tips to improve the efficiency of your consultations on an online platform.


Tips #1

Choosing the right tool

An online participation platform is a specific tool that you must understand. It is definitely not an enhanced survey! With a platform, you are looking for dialogue and transparency.

Tip #2

Communicate a lot and often!

It is important to let your community know about your consultation and give them good reasons to take their valuable time to express their opinions.

Tip #3

Adopt an integrated approach

If you are implementing other engagement activities, such as a face-to-face consultation session, be sure to put your different activities together so that they reinforce and complement each other.

Tip #4

Trust your community

Write proposals on which to express their level of agreement, enthusiasm and confidence. Let your community write some too. And priorities will emerge.

Tip #5

Identify what success means to you

Identify a realistic number of participants: think about doubling or quintupling the number you would go out and get in person. You'll see that it's pretty easy to achieve! Your success should also include: number of views, quality of comments, identification of priorities, etc..

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